Disease Spread
Learning Intention:
Model communicable disease transmission through a classroom activity to determine variables that affect disease spread.
Success Criteria:
I am successful when I can...
Review my prior knowledge of pathogens.
Investigate disease transmission by actively reading an article to identify variables that affect the rate of spread (R0).
Participate in an activity that models disease transmission through exchange of fluids.
Accurately collect and graph data, analyzing the results for patterns or trends.
Develop and use a model to illustrate the hierarchical organization of interacting systems that provide specific functions within multicellular organisms.
Test Tomorrow on Lessons 1-8
Practice Regents #2 due today (hand in at end of the period)
Tutoring Thursday 2-4 pm in A-301
Part 1:
(6 min)
Part 2:
Turn & Talk
(2 min)
What are some ways that disease spreads from one person to another?
Part 3:
Student Discovery
(15 min)
1) Actively read the article.
2) Create five annotations:
A) Connections to life, class, movies, books, etc
B) Questions you have
C) Main Ideas / Key Concepts Paraphrased
3) Choose TWO out of FOUR of the Frayer model questions to answer.
Part 4:
Mid-Point Check
(1 min)
Complete the mid-point check on your worksheet
Part 5:
Disease Modeling Activity
(10 min)
1) Students will grab a cup of water. Each cup represents your body. One student in the class has been infected with a pathogen.
2) Students will exchange fluids with only ONE other student each round by pouring their water into their classmates cup and then splitting the difference.
3) We will do 4 rounds.
4) Students will then put indicator solution in their cups.
5) If your water turns pink,
Part 6:
Exit Ticket: Graphing Skills
5 min
Use the graph in order to determine the number of infected during each trial. Remember, we started out with 1 infected