Disease Spread

Learning Intention:

Model communicable disease transmission through a classroom activity to determine variables that affect disease spread. 

Success Criteria:

I am successful when I can...



Develop and use a model to illustrate the hierarchical organization of interacting systems that provide specific functions within multicellular organisms.


Part 1: 


(6 min)

Part 2: 

Turn & Talk

(2 min)

What are some ways that disease spreads from one person to another?

Part 3: 

Student Discovery

(15 min)


1) Actively read the article. 

2) Create five annotations:

A) Connections to life, class, movies, books, etc

B) Questions you have

C) Main Ideas / Key Concepts Paraphrased

3) Choose TWO out of FOUR of the Frayer model questions to answer. 

Disease Transmission Article for lab

Part 4: 

Mid-Point Check

(1 min)

Complete the mid-point check on your worksheet

Part 5

Disease Modeling Activity

(10 min)


1) Students will grab a cup of water. Each cup represents your body. One student in the class has been infected with a pathogen.

2) Students will exchange fluids with only ONE other student each round by pouring their water into their classmates cup and then splitting the difference. 

3) We will do 4 rounds.

4) Students will then put indicator solution in their cups. 

5) If your water turns pink


Part 6:

Exit Ticket: Graphing Skills

5 min


Use the graph in order to determine the number of infected during each trial. Remember, we started out with 1 infected