2024 - 2025 L.E. SYLLABUS


Welcome to Mr. Pinho and Mrs. Angarola's Living Environment class. This document will cover our classroom expectations, norms and policies. When in doubt, please adhere to the information in this document. This course is two terms long and ends with the completion of the New York State Biology Regents. In order to attain a regents diploma, you must pass at least one Science regents exam. 

This is the easiest one to pass. We cannot stress enough how important this class is. 

Units Covered:

Each unit will vary in length and content but will contain a midpoint exam and a end of unit exam.

Unit 1: Scientific Inquiry

Unit 2: Ecology

Unit 3: Biochemistry

Unit 4: Organization and Patterns of Life

Unit 5: Homeostasis & Body Systems

Unit 6: Reproduction and Development 

Unit 7: Genetics & Biotechnology

Unit 8: Evolution

Unit 9: Human Influences on the Environment 

Unit 10: Regents Review

Grading Policy


Classwork & Participation = 30%

Exams = 30%

Performance Tasks / Projects = 30%

Homework = 10%

Late Work Policy

Late assignments will be collected by teachers, however 10 points will be deducted per week of lateness with a maximum of a 50 point deduction. After the 5th week (50 pts), the student will receive a grade of 50. 

Exceptions apply for specific students. 

Behavior Norms

Our classroom will follow the Tottenville HS rules and procedures. Common negative behaviors which are unacceptable include:

Technology Policy

Chromebooks will be provided during most classes. This course is extremely tech heavy and will use chrome books often. Students should adhere to the following technology rules:


1) A notebook only for Biology

2) 2 Folders

3) Pack of 500 Index Cards and Binder Ring 

4) Pens and Pencils

5) Box of Tissues or Paper Towel

Contract and Syllabus Signing

Please complete the below Google form with your child. Completion will count as students first homework assignment. 

23 Classwork Rubric